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Meet Bryan: Jewish Swimmer of the Week!

Allie: What’s your favorite thing about living in DC? Bryan: There’s always something new to discover and explore. I really…

New Year, New Rabbis

Ah 5779. A new, fresh number to mark the start of a beautiful year ahead. A year when politicians will…

Welcome to DC, Pearl’s Bagels!

Jews and bagels go together like peanut butter and jelly. Also, like PB&J, bagels and schmear are always quickly and…

How to Plan a Jewish Wedding Ceremony

PLANNING A WEDDING IS TOUGH From navigating tricky family dynamics, to having awkward conversations about money, to the million smaller…

Meet Steph: Jewish Fitness Buff of the Week!

Allie: How did you wind up living in DC? Steph: I’m from Montgomery County – born and raised. I went…

Spotted in Jewish Chicago: ChiTribe!

This week, ChiTribe is launching into the Windy City! This GatherDC-inspired organization is making it easier for young adults in…

Meet Daniel: Jewish Restaurant Owner of the Week!

Ever stepped into Duke’s Grocery for some truffle mac n’ cheese and an Old Fashioned? If yes, or if no,…

Ways to Give Back this High Holiday Season

Hi! I’m Mollie. I’m new-ish to the GatherDC staff and my job here is to make it as easy as…

God’s Preferred Pronoun

Women have won a record number of primaries this summer, which has “led to more focus on the underrepresentation of…

Spotted in Jewish DC: Alex Levin’s Rosh Hashanah Pop-Up Bakeshop!

We’ve smelled, er spotted, something delicious baking in Jewish DC. It’s a pop-up bakeshop for Rosh Hashanah complete with things…