Haman: A True Crime Story is a brand new podcast created by GatherDC, and hosted by investigative journalists Allison Friedman and Rachel Nieves.
It tells the story — a true story — about the evil Haman of Shushan who was murdered more than 2,000 years ago.
*Exclusive interviews with stars of the #Purim story: Esther, Vashti, and Mordechai!
Haman: A True Crime Story will make you ask the question: Should I be eating hamantaschen with poppy seeds?
For more inside scoop, click here.
First, this video is a joke. Shocking as it may be, those interviewed were actually our staff members and not the protagonists in the Purim story. Second, the views and opinions are solely those of the original authors and do not necessarily represent those of the organization GatherDC, the GatherDC staff, the GatherDC board, and/or any/all contributors to this site.