Rabbi Shais Rishon

A Black man in a blue shirt, tie, glasses, and kippah.

Pronouns: he / him

What people call me: Rabbi Shais

Organization: Eidot CHeMDaT”A

Denomination: Modern Orthodox

Where was I ordained? New York – Private Ordination

Where am I located? Maryland

What do you love most about your work? Teaching people to have a deeper connection, knowledge base, and tradition to traditional Judaism in a way that feels non-performative, authentic, and genuine to their own Jewish experience.

How is Judaism valuable in your life? It is my compass, my “north”, It keeps me on the straight and narrow. Without being concern about who is to my left or my right. Keeps me focused on the Source striving to be his most valuable vessel.

Why did you decide to become a rabbi or clergy member? In the African Diaspora community there is a lack of cultural competence coupled with authentic Jewish knowledge. There was a void that needed to be filled and I saw the “Bat” signal from the people.

What services do I offer? Weddings/Other Lifecycle Events, LGBTQIA Counseling, Conversions, Holiday Services, Young Family Opportunities, Counseling, Group Learning, 1:1 Learning Opportunities, Shabbat Services, Couples Classes, Adult B’nai Mitzvah

For more information, visit our websiteFacebookInstagram, or email me.