Temple Rodef Shalom

Who are we? We are a thriving, vibrant, inclusive, diverse, tolerant, sacred, loving Reform Jewish congregation nestled in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Together we strive to build a sacred community, Kehilla Kedosha, unified by common goals and ideals, where all members are embraced, Jewish traditions are honored, and our spiritual link to Israel is fostered.

What do we offer 20s and 30s? Rodef 2100, a 21st-century group for young professionals in their 20s and 30s. We support our young professionals across Northern Virginia as they design their own gatherings, outings, and trivia nights. You do not need to be a member of Temple Rodef Shalom to attend or belong to Rodef 2100.

Temple Rodef Shalom also offers special membership rates for Young Professionals under 30 looking for a congregation.

To learn more, visit our website.