DMV Passover Guide 2025 / 5785

Four round pieces of matzah. Text: DMV Passover Guide 2025 / 5785

Updated 4:27 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19th

Dear DMV friends,

Welcome to GatherDC’s DMV Passover Guide for 2025 / 5785! This guide is here to connect you with all the resources and information you need to fill your table (literally and metaphorically!) in the DMV this Passover.

Passover is a holiday about storytelling. It’s about taking account of where you’ve been, where you are right now, where you’re headed — and what stands in between the present and that future. As we approach Passover, we’re asking: Do we feel whole? Do we feel shattered? Do we feel like we’re waiting for the sea to part, or is the way forward clear?

No matter what you’re seeking, this guide is here to help you make this Passover as meaningful and deeply felt as possible. From now through the end of the holiday, we’ll be updating this guide with all the seders, classes, services, gatherings, haggadot, recipes, local Passover menus, Hametz-sellingMimouna celebrations, and other resources we can find!

If you notice this guide is missing any local Passover experiences and resources that would be a great fit for our community of 20s and 30s, please submit them to our online calendar or email us, and we’ll make sure to share. If you want to stay in-the-loop with breakdowns of each upcoming week for all things Jewish DMV, plus Rabbi Amalia’s upcoming Passover message, subscribe to our weekly Wednesday newsletter.

Chag Pesach Sameach! Wishing you a happy and healthy Passover!

The GatherDC Team

Seder Hosting and Matching

Pre-Passover Experiences: Classes, Seders, and More

Saturday, March 29th

Monday, March 31st

Tuesday, April 1st

Wednesday, April 2nd

  • 7:00 p.m. — Passover Seder Boot Camp with the EDCJCC
    • “[W]e will discuss the core structure of the seder, offering meaningful insights, alternate traditions, and logistical advice to make sure you leave feeling confident in your seder skills”

Thursday, April 3rd

Saturday, April 5th

Sunday, April 6th

Tuesday, April 8th

Wednesday, April 9th

  • 11:59 p.m. — Sell Hametz with Adas Israel Congregation
    • “Funds collected through donations and through the ‘sale’ of hametz are used for charitable purposes and to help provide Passover food for those who might otherwise have none.”

Thursday, April 10th

Monday, April 12th

First Night Seders

Saturday, April 12th

Second Night Seders

Sunday, April 13th

Other Passover Seders, Services, Mimouna Celebrations, and More

Sunday, April 13th

Friday, April 18th

Saturday, April 19th

Sunday, April 20th

Monday, April 21st

Sunday, April 27th

  • 1:00 p.m. — Mimouna Festival of Good Neighbors at the Smithsonian with SHIN-DC
    • “Enjoy traditional foods and experience a new generation of Jewish and Muslim Moroccan artists who will share a harmonious blend of music drawing from their collective Sephardic, Jewish, Gnawi, Muslim, and Mimouna heritages, as well as Gnawa, Andalusi, and Chaabi styles.”

Local Passover Noshing

District of Columbia



Passover Recipes

For Your Seder Plate


Vegan and Vegetarian


Ways to Give Back

As part of celebrating Passover, some Jewish communities practice Ma’ot Chittim or ‘money for wheat.’ Yad Yehuda of Greater Washington describes this as “the obligation upon every Jew to donate funds prior to Pesach to help the poor cover their holiday expenses.” Below are some local options for organizations addressing food insecurity, in the DMV and elsewhere:

  • Capital Area Food Bank
    • “The Capital Area Food Bank is the anchor of the hunger relief infrastructure in our region, providing more than 60 million meals to people in communities across D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.”
  • Capital Kosher Pantry
    • “For those in need, our hunger relief program often means the difference between having enough to eat and doing without sufficient nutrition. We help hundreds of individuals across the Greater Washington Jewish community put proper food on their tables with dignity.”
  • Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger
    • “For 40 years, MAZON has been fighting for systemic change. We refuse to accept that anyone in the U.S. or Israel struggles with hunger. We believe that together, we can transform how it is into how it should be.”
  • World Central Kitchen
    • “WCK is first to the frontlines, providing fresh meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises.”
  • Yad Yehuda of Greater Washington
    • “[S]erves as the Jewish community’s financial safety net serving hundreds of individuals from every Jewish neighborhood in the Greater Washington area.”

Passover Readings and Resources

Passover Inspiration, Essays, and Articles

Haggadot and Seder Guides

The views and opinions expressed by the organizations featured on this guide and on this website are solely those of the original organizations. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the organization GatherDC, the GatherDC staff, the GatherDC board, and/or any/all contributors to this site.