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Facilities Assistant

Role and Responsibilities Shabbat Services The Bet Mishpachah Facilities Assistant will be responsible for setting up and breaking down weekly Shabbat Services each Friday night…
Total views: 19
Jobs Board

Communications and Development Coordinator

Bet Mishpachah seeks an enthusiastic, engaging, and detail-oriented individual to join our team as a Communications and Development Coordinator. The goal is to ensure that…
Total views: 38
Jobs Board
$2300 1BR/1BA in heart of Adams Morgan, available March 1 (or mid-Feb if you need it!)

$2300 1BR/1BA in heart of Adams Morgan, available March 1 (or mid-Feb if you need it!)

Hello! We are looking for someone to take over our 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment starting March 1 (with some flexibility here if you need it!). Looking…
Total views: 19
Housing Board

Mt Vernon Apartment for Rent

Bedroom (with own bathroom) available for rent between Mt Vernon and Metro Center stops. $1613/mo includes water and internet/electric is about $100/mo. Balcony, walk in…
Total views: 18
Housing Board
Private bedroom in a 2 BR/ 2.5 Bathroom townhouse in Falls Church

Private bedroom in a 2 BR/ 2.5 Bathroom townhouse in Falls Church

Hi, I am looking for a roommate for the second bedroom in this 2 bedroom townhouse. This townhouse is located near the Arlington border and…
Total views: 32
Housing Board