Meet Balaboosta: Jewish Cat of the Month!

by Sarah Brennan / February 20, 2019

Want to nominate your awesome doggy or cat to be featured? Email Sarah Brennan and let her know.


Sarah: What is your name?


Sarah: Where did your name come from?

Balaboosta: My owner tells me that balaboosta is Yiddish for  a Jew who is the fearless emotional center of their family, who makes sure her table is not only full of gorgeous food, but also full of friends, compassion, and fruit. My owner wanted me to be a balaboosta to her and make sure she’s happy.

Sarah: What is your favorite way to spend a day in DC?

Balaboosta: Go to Busboys and Poets in Takoma Park and sit outside with my owner as she drinks her favorite $5 fresh-squeezed mimosa.

Sarah: What is it like to live with your owner?

Balaboosta: Well, first of all, I’m glad my owner is a vegan. She’s a really sweet, creative soul. She’s a bit clingy, but she’s a sensitive gal so that goes with who she is.

Sarah: What is your favorite food?

Balaboosta: My favorite food is smoked salmon (AKA: lox). I mean, come on! I’m a Jewish cat  – of course that’s my fav. My owner gets me smoked salmon from Yes! Organic Market or Whole Foods Market, and makes me my favorite cat sashimi.


Sarah: Who is your best friend?

Balaboosta: My owner Michele.

Sarah: What’s your favorite Jewish holiday and why?

Balaboosta: Tu B’shvat. It’s the New Year of trees which is the ideal holiday for a hippie cat like me. It’s also my owner’s favorite holiday because it celebrates her favorite things: fresh fruit, wine, and Israel – my favorite country! My owner tells me that there are lots of cats all over Israel.

Sarah: My biggest fear is….

Balaboosta: My owner being sad and not realizing that I’m always there for her. I’m a Balaboosta and that means  I take care of her!

Sarah: What is your spirit animal?

Balaboosta: A mouse. I’m sweet and shy and mousy.

Sarah: I get most excited when…

Balaboosta: There’s a simcha to celebrate, so my owner gets to see her family and dance around.



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