Rabbi David Greenspoon

Pronouns: he / him

What people call me: David

Organization: Jewtique Concierge Rabbinic Services

Denomination: Conservative

Where was I ordained? Jewish Theological Seminary

Where am I located? DMV

What do you love most about your work? Connecting with people is the biggest blessing of the rabbinate.

How is Judaism valuable in your life? Judaism is my framework for a sacred life with meaning.

Why did you decide to become a rabbi or clergy member? My love of Judaism and interest in serving a larger purpose led me to a life of rabbinical service.

What services do I offer? Weddings/Other Lifecycle Events; Conversions; Holiday Services; Counseling; 1:1 Learning Opportunities; Adult B’nai Mitzvah; and Interfaith Marriage

For more information, visit our website, Facebook, Instagram, or email me.