What do people call me? Rabbi Miller or Rabbi Tamara
Denomination: Pluralistic
Where was I ordained? Academy for Jewish Religion
What do I love most about my work? The sacred conversations that I have with my clients and students sustain my rabbinate. I became a rabbi because I wanted to engage in meaningful dialogue and go deep into what really matters in our lives. The inner spiritual life adds new layers to our daily experiences.
How is Judaism valuable in my life? Judaism structures my life and gives me a blueprint for a life of purpose. The Jewish calendar provides me with daily and weekly pauses that refresh my soul. Whenever I study Jewish texts, my passion for my people expands. Like Ruth, “Your people shall be my people.. where you go I will follow.”
What programs and services do I run or offer? Matchmaking Weddings and other Lifecycle Events, Group Learning, LGBTQIA Counseling, 1:1 Learning Opportunities, Conversions, Adult B’nai Mitzvah, Counseling, Marriage counseling
During COVID, I pivoted my rabbinate to making matches, a very Jewish thing to do. People always ask me: Rabbi, do you know anyone? Listen to my podcast on Life is Rich and then fill out the form and let’s strike up a match for you.
For more information, visit my website!