Meet Becca, Jewish Web Designer of the Week!

by Samuel Milligan / June 26, 2024

The GatherDC blog strives to present a holistic portrait of the DMV’s Jewish community, sharing a wide variety of Jewish voices and perspectives. If you have a 20- or 30-something to nominate as our Jewish Person of the Week or for a Spotted in Jewish DMV feature, please email us!

Becca and I (and her dog, Betty!) meet one sweltering DC afternoon at the West End Call Your Mother. Over iced coffee, we chat about Becca’s sororal web design business, rediscovering joy and beauty in Judaism, setting boundaries, vegan food in the DMV, and Judaism as something to be shared intergenerationally!

Samuel: What brought you to the DMV?

Becca: I was ready to move away from South Florida, where I’m originally from, and I wanted to be in a city that’s walkable, has access to nature, and I had some good friends who live in DC…so it just made sense. Because I run my own business, I can work from virtually anywhere! [Editor’s note: Becca and her sister, Leah, run A Wiser Website, a full-service creative agency specializing in high-end web design and brand strategy.]

Samuel: Striking out on your own feels like a big, brave step. What led you to that decision?

Becca in business clothes, reclining in an office chair.Becca: It’s definitely a growing experience! I wanted the flexibility to run my own schedule. From a bigger lens, [our work] allows us to help people bring their gifts to the world. We live in a time where everything is online, and the first thing we do when we hear about something new is to Google it. Having a good, strong, online presence is extremely important. 

Samuel: How is working with your twin sister?

Becca: We’re very honest about the fact that it’s not always butterflies and rainbows, but we’re great business and creative partners. Because we get each other so deeply, we’re on the same wavelength. But, we’re also super different and have very different skills. I’m more of a big picture thinker, and she’s very detail-oriented. She’s able to sit for hours working on one piece of code, and her mind works in super cool, creative ways. I’d rather be out with clients, marketing, focusing on the bigger picture. So, we end up being a really good team.

Samuel: Are there any challenges?

Becca: Of course. Just like with anything, we come across challenges and have to face them head-on. We are committed to having hard conversations and being transparent with how we’re feeling. It’s all about having boundaries and knowing when we’re being business partners or when we’re being sisters. 

Samuel: What’s made you stay in the DMV?

Becca: In August, I will have been here for three years. I really have met some really amazing people. It’s been helpful to find more of a Jewish community and, like I said before, I love being able to walk and explore everywhere. I’ve seen quite a bit of the DMV, but there’s still always new places that I’m discovering.

Samuel: How have you found and built your Jewish community?

Becca: Gather has been instrumental. I did the Beyond the Tent Retreat recently but, even before that, I would go to Gather’s happy hours, and that was a good way of organically meeting people. I feel like Beyond the Tent took it to a whole other level because I really got to know this community of people more deeply. 

Becca and her sister.Additionally, I also have friends who switch off hosting Shabbat dinners, and we do Jewish holidays together.

One cool thing about Judaism is that there are so many holidays, and Shabbat happens every Friday. It encourages people to gather together consistently. I didn’t necessarily grow up religious, but my family would do something for Shabbat every Friday night and we’d celebrate the holidays. I find a lot of comfort in continuing these traditions. 

Samuel: What else has stuck with you from Beyond the Tent?

Becca: I came into the retreat feeling like I was relating to my Jewish experience in a traumatized way, filled with a lot of fear. I left feeling a lot more grateful to be Jewish, realizing how much joy there is within the community. Hearing other people’s experiences made me feel excited about rediscovering this part of my identity. It reminded me that there were so many core parts of my childhood that were connected to Judaism, and that there’s still ways, even within these times, to find joy and beauty. 

Samuel: Okay, a few quick ones to close. What is something you’re feeling proud about right now?

Becca: I’m becoming a much better boundary-setter. I also hope that I’m a good dog mom! [Editor’s note: Becca’s dog, Betty, has been with us the entire time – very happy and well-behaved]. She’s just such a happy-go-lucky dog. She loves everyone and is the best cuddle buddy.

Samuel: What does your dream DMV day look like?

Becca: I grab a chai latte at Tatte, pick up a Call your Mother bagel, and then take Betty to Rock Creek Park. We spend a few hours walking in nature and then I meet friends in Georgetown. We do a little shopping and grab lunch at Chaia Tacos. Maybe we’ll take a little visit to the cat cafe in Georgetown and play with some kittens. Later on, we would get dinner at PLANTA Cocina and then get dessert at Van Leeuwen. Then, we could do a nighttime monuments walk!

Samuel: What’s something more people in the DMV should know about?

Becca and her dog.Becca: I’m vegan, so I’m a big fan of the two PLANTA locations here. The vibes are awesome, and it’s delicious food. 

Samuel: You can invite any three people to Shabbat dinner. Who are they and why?

Becca: My grandmother (Abuela), who I was inseparable with, recently passed away. She was Cuban and Sephardic and felt so much pride in her Jewish identity. My number one Jewish memory that stands out is that on Passover we’d sing this Ladino song, “Quien supiese y entendiese,” that’s been sung for generations in the Sephardic world. If I could invite her to one more Shabbat dinner, that would be everything. 

And then, for the other seats, I’d love to have one of my future children, and one of my future grandchildren there. Going back to my grandma, she was such a strong matriarch and she is such a core part of my connection with Judaism. She instilled the importance of Jewish values, and I have all those memories of us lighting candles together. I would love to experience that with the future generations that hopefully come after me. 

Samuel: Last one. Finish the sentence. When Jews of the DMV gather…

Becca: Everyone knows mutual people in common.

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