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Allie: What brought you to DC?
Jeremy: Like most people, it was happenstance of the job. I went to school in St. Louis, and am from Toronto originally, so I didn’t have ties to any cities in the US. I’d always heard that DC was a cool city to live, and filled with a lot of young people. After 3 years here, I’m so happy I made that decision.
Allie: How did you decide to move to America after growing up in Canada?
Jeremy: Canada’s university system takes a very European approach to education. When you apply to college out of high school, you apply directly to a specific program, like pre-med. In the US, it’s a lot more liberal. You don’t need to pick your major until the second year, there’s a lot more flexibility. Also, I had the same group of friends since middle school, and they were all going to go to the same college, so it was good for me to expand.
Allie: What do you think are the biggest differences between America and Canada?
Jeremy: 1) The cities in the US. have a much more diverse group of people. In Canada, people are either from Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver. In the US, you have people from the middle of Iowa and people from New York who are now living in the same city.
2) In the US, there is a lot more homegrown, original stuff that goes on in the cities. Toronto is a big city, but if you look at the entertainment options there, most shows and art didn’t originate in Toronto, they started in New York or L.A.
3) There are a lot more all-you-can-eat buffets in the US.
4) Canada just got its first Cheesecake Factory six months ago. Since then, there have been non-stop lines at the restaurant, and Canadian food bloggers are writing food blogs about it. People can’t even get reservations.
Allie: What are you most excited about for the summertime?
Jeremy: It’s my dad’s 60th birthday this summer, so my family rented a house in Puglia, Italy and are going to go at the end of summer. Apparently, there’s a wood-burning pizza oven in the backyard of the house, and it’s near wineries. I’m excited to drink wine, eat pizza, and it’s only 20 minutes from the beach and some old Italian cities.
Allie: If you had an entirely free day to do whatever you want in D.C., how would you spend it?
Jeremy: I’d probably sleep in, go to Bethesda Bagels, and ideally there wouldn’t be a line. Then, I’d head towards the monuments. I’ve always wanted to go up the Washington Monument, even though the elevators have been broken for so long. In my ideal day, the elevators would be working. I’ve really wanted to go to the African American Museum, so I’d go there, and then grab lunch somewhere downtown. I’d go to Mini Bar for dinner, and then to a speakeasy – the one behind Jack Rose called Dram and Grain DC. I’ve never been, but apparently they have really good bourbon drinks. Oh, also, I love going to see movies at the Air and Space Museum.
Allie: What’s your favorite smell and why?
Jeremy: Vanilla, Cinnabon, and the smell of a flower shop.
Allie: What’s your favorite way to relax and destress?
Jeremy: I try and go for a run every so often, and read. I tried to meditate for a week, and I wish I could do that longer, maybe that’s something I can learn this year.
Allie: If you could eat 3 foods for the rest of your life what would they be?
Jeremy: Bagel/lox/cream cheese, steak with a side of parmesan truffle fries, and any veggie pizza.
Allie: What’s at the top of your bucket list?
Jeremy: I want to see the Northern Lights. I want to go skydiving, but I’m terrified of heights. And I want to go scuba diving more often.
Allie: Are there any Canadian terms for things that you wish people knew?
Jeremy: My favorite word you guys don’t have here is a garburator – it’s a garbage disposal.
Allie: Hobbies or skills you want to do or learn this year?
I want to do more snowboarding and ice hockey. I’d like to go on a snowboarding trip to Vail or Big White in Canada for hockey and snowboarding.
Allie: Do you have any interesting facts that people may not know about you?
Jeremy: I have slept in an igloo, and have been dog sledding before.
Allie: Complete the sentence: When Jews of DC Gather…
Jeremy: They argue whose mom makes the best matzo ball soup (mine does).