Meet Julie: Jewish World Explorer of the Week!

by Allison Friedman / February 7, 2018

Allie: Welcome to the Gather family! Tell us about what you’ll be bring to the team.

Julie: Thanks! I’m GatherDC’s new Office Manager, so I’m essentially here to keep the wheels turning behind the curtain. I spent the last three years working in development and administration for a growing local youth development nonprofit. Now, I’m really excited to be in DC helping Gather capitalize on the momentum it’s been building and keep us moving onward and upward!

Allie: What are you looking forward to most in 2018?

Julie: Well other than the midterm elections…just kidding 🙂 Honestly I’m just excited to take the year as it comes. It started as a year of a bunch of new things – a new job, a new roommate, the new experience of living AND working in DC. So, I’m excited to make the most of these opportunities, and meet some new friends!

Allie: Where’s the coolest place you’ve ever traveled?

Julie: New Zealand! I went there my senior year of college at University of Maryland, as a part of my Landscape Architecture course. We spent three weeks traveling all around the north and south islands doing all these awesome hiking and adventure activities, while learning the basics of landscape sketching. New Zealand has the most beautiful landscapes on earth, so it was a really incredible experience.

Allie: What’s at the top of your life bucket list?

Julie: I would absolutely love to visit all seven continents – not just to check them off on a list, but to have the opportunity to travel around and experience new countries and the natural beauty of different places around the world. I think my ultimate goal would be hiking on all 7 continents. My trip to New Zealand awakened my relatively new-found love of hiking, so getting to do that on a 7-continent milestone would be amazing.

Allie: What’s your favorite Jewish food?

Julie: My uncle’s matzah ball soup can’t be beat. He makes it for Rosh Hashanah and Passover, and it’s gotten to the point where I’ve been lobbying him to add it to the Thanksgiving menu…no luck yet, but I remain hopeful.

Allie: Do you have any life mottos you strive to live by?

Julie: I have a little poster above my mirror that says “Begin each day with a grateful heart.” When life gets hectic or stressful, or I’m going through a tough time, it helps remind me how lucky I am to have my health, education, and all of the opportunities that have brought me to where I am now. I’m grateful to be living in my favorite city with a cool new job, and a great circle of friends and family to love and support me.

Allie: Complete the sentence: When Jews of DC Gather…

Julie: You know you’re going to have a good time!


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